[音無来未]99.99%眠くなるASMR♡80分耐久耳はむ/Relaxation ASMR for Sleep, Ear Play-biting|Kurumi
[音無来未]99.99%眠くなるASMR♡80分耐久耳はむ/Relaxation ASMR for Sleep, Ear Play-biting|Kurumi
2846 subscribers
Published at2024/12/26
Nice to meet you! I am Kurumi Otonashi, who wants to cheer everyone up beyond gender, race, language and ideology. Thank you for finding me today!! If you're new to this channel and want to write comments, please read the "Cautions" below↓↓. 🇯🇵 バイノーラル録音で作成したASMR動画です。ぜひイヤホン等をつけて聴いて下さい。 リラックスしたい時、気持ちよくなりたい時、睡眠用や作業用にどうぞ♡ 私の動画が少しでも、あなたの幸せに繋がりますように…☆ 🌎 This ASMR video is made using binaural recording. Please listen with earphones or headphones. When you want to relax, when you want to feel good, when you want to sleep and when you want to work or study, please listen to this video.♡ May my videos help you to be happier, even if only a little...☆