ASMR Ear Noms / Mouth Sounds (tapping, tongue  fluttering, ear massage)
ASMR Ear Noms / Mouth Sounds (tapping, tongue fluttering, ear massage)
Miinu Inu
Miinu Inu
139 subscribers
Published at2023/02/01
Hello, Succ Gang!! Happy Birthday Ava! I'm glad that you reached out to me, and I hope that this ear eating video is just as relaxing as you hoped for. I hope that your birthday went fantastic, and even if it didn't.. I hope this video made it better. Keep on looking for the sunlight through the rain clouds. You're the only one who is in control of where you go and when you get there. Be like the wind, keep pushing onwards. See you soon, or if you want to see me sooner make sure to check out my twitch below! I stream daily.