【 Coromo Sara】99.99%会令你头皮发麻的按摩触发音|无人声
00:00 Preview
02:36 Start
02:41 Silicone scraper tapping
05:29 Silicone brush
11:24 Plastic wrap + Plastic earpick (Mic scratching)
14:13 Moss
18:39 Silicone ear pick (ear cleaning)
22:40 Jar tapping, scratching
24:40 Push pins Mic scratching (sponge mic cover)
27:37 Fluffy ear picks
30:06 Microphone + Plastic wrap Touch with Hand
31:58 Touch the microphone with a sponge
34:22 Mic brushing
35:54 Polyethylene foam
Thank you for watching :)
I hope you have nice dreams🌙
Coromo Sara.