2866 人订阅
Nice to meet you! I am Kurumi Otonashi, who wants to cheer everyone up beyond gender, race, language and ideology. Thank you for finding me today!! ♡♡♡Profile♡♡♡  ○Name:音無来未(おとなしくるみ、Kurumi Otonashi)  ○Gender:Female  ○Birthday:March 11  ○Favorite    Clothes:ニーハイ+ミニスカ=絶対領域♡    Fruit:Strawberry    Color:Pink, Black ♡♡♡Activity♡♡♡  ○Video Submission Sites   ✦YouTube Main Channel:O.Kurumi Channel    https://www.youtube.com/c/OKurumiChannel   ✦Subchannel:O.Kurumi ASMR    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxYRZcIsXygoByOUzIVuHg   ✦bilibili    https://space.bilibili.com/479424373  ○SNS   ✦Instagram    https://t.co/oZWDaU8vri?amp=1 ♡♡♡Others♡♡♡  ○BGM・音楽素材(動画・ライブ配信時など)   MusMus 様 http://musmus.main.jp/   魔王魂 様 https://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/   効果音ラボ 様 https://soundeffect-lab.info/   Music-Note.jp 様 http://www.music-note.jp/   株式会社ピクセル 様 http://pixel-co.com/  ○朗読素材(ラジオ時)   水色文庫 様 https://mizro.blogspot.com/  ○使用機材   3Dio Free Space XLR or FS Pro II ♡♡♡Hashtag♡♡♡ #音無来未 #リラクゼーション #ASMR