00:00 미리보기 Preview
01:25 미용실 상황극 시작(Hair salon RP start)
01:59 엉킨머리 빗질하며 컷트길이 상담하기( Consult with cut length while combing tangled hair)
03:31 나무 헤어브러쉬 (Wooden Hair Brush)
05:44 촘촘한 헤어브러쉬★ (Blue Hair Brush)
08:49 어설픈 헤어컷! (A clumsy haircut!)
11:42 본격적인 헤어컷!★★(Haircut!)
22:15 레이어드컷을 위한 사선자르기★(Diagonal Cutting for Layered Cut)
26:14 숱가위로 숱치기!★
28:42 나무 헤어브러쉬★★(Wooden Hair Brush)
30:33 머리 물로 감기(Wash your hair with wate)
31:37 샴푸하기★★(Shampoo)
33:47 샴푸한채로 두피마사지★★★(Scalp massage with one shampoo)
39:01 머리 물로 헹구기(Rinse your hair with water.)
40:14 수건으로 머리말리기★(Dry your hair with a towel)
42:03 드라이기로 머리 말리기★(Dry your hair with a dryer)
45:27 진동 두피마사지기(Vibration scalp massager)
46:50 나무 헤어브러쉬★(Wooden hair brush)
49:41 레이어드컷 관리방법 설명(Explaining how to manage layered cuts)
50:23 헤어에센스 탭핑후 바르기(Apply hair essence after tapping)
53:35 반묶음 헤어집게(Half-Tied Hair Tongs)